Bold Idea update

Open Positions on Bold Idea Board of Directors

Open Positions on Bold Idea Board of Directors

Bold Idea’s immediate governing and fund development responsibilities rely on the support of a separate Board of Directors. The Board supports the work of Bold Idea and provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by Bold Idea’s president, the Board-President relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected.

Sponsor Spotlight: Alliance Data

Based in Plano, Texas, Alliance Data consists of three businesses that together employ more than 17,000 associates at approximately 100 locations worldwide. Though you might not know the name, you may have seen what the company does. Alliance Data is the engine behind loyalty and marketing campaigns for more than 1,000 consumer-facing companies worldwide across all industries: retail, travel, pharmaceutical, financial services, auto, and more.

Bold Idea Granted 501(c)(3) Status

Bold Idea Granted 501(c)(3) Status

We are happy to announce that Bold Idea is now officially a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. What does this mean? Contributions donated to Bold Idea, both financial and in-kind, are fully tax deductible, retroactive to the organization establishment date of April 13, 2015. Your employer may also having a matching program for contributions or volunteer time.